Thursday, January 19, 2012

Juice Feast ~ Day 12

Yippee!! I got my book (dance and wiggle) I got my book! I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for my Juice Feasters Handbook to come. The process was such a blunder (my fault)! Somehow, I ordered the print version because I could not find the e-book version (linked above), but the shipping on it was really high. So I asked in the comments, if it could be switched to the e-book - I would prefer it. Well they were quick to respond and granted my wish, sending me the e-book immediately. HOWEVER, i missed it in my box! (I get a lot of email, so it was lost int he sea of emails that day.) I waited and waited watching the mail every day thinking my request could not be granted. I went ahead and started my feast any way and waited and waited and stalked the post lady like a crazy dog who likes to chase them; but no book. I (finally) emailed them and they sent it again, (even though they had sent it before) I went back and looked it up and there it was sitting in my box the whole time!!! Needless today...I am excited to receive it and don't want to set it down. :-) If you are considering doing this, I recommend it.

Today's Juice:

Mixed Greens - 1 cuke, 2 stalks celery, 2 apples, big handful of spinach, 5 stalks each of kale, collards and swiss chard.

Ciliantro Sunshine - 1 lime, 1 clove garlic, 2 green onions, 3/4lb carrots, 1pint cherry/grape tomatoes, 1 red bell, 1 handful of cilantro (about 1/3 bunch), 4 stalks celery, 6 leaves of romaine

Master Cleanse w/green - 1 Qrt pure water, 6T fresh lemon juice, 6T local raw honey, approx 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (Mine also has a bit of coconut oil in it.) I also added a tsp of spiralina and kelp. (This was surprisingly tasty but too sweet for me to drink down quickly. I stored it to get bits out as I like.)

Green Fennel - (mks 1 pint) 1 bulb fennel, 1 cuke, 3 stalks of celery and a handful of spinach. This was bland to me...(which was so I poured in a little of my master cleaner to help it out.) This was a little thicker feeling juice.

How do I feel? This morning I had a hard time getting out of bed. I was sluggish and wanted more sleep. I suspect it was either from drinking that Naked Juice last night or another process of detoxing happening. I went to bed a couple hours earlier than normal and wanted so desperately to sleep in later. If my house wasn't so active, I could have easily taken a nap again today too. It is not really bad; just not really good. :-) So I have tried to make a variety of fresh juices today (more than normal). It is helping. I plan to go to bed early tonight.

Things I have learned:
Naked Juice, Green Machine....made me feel like a huge piece of cheese cake for dinner or something. Very strange.


  1. Your so encouraging to me....though I have not be led to go here yet...just now giving up my coffee addiction... and walking. ;0)

  2. Andi, I do love me some coffee! :-) Being from San Franscisco we take our coffee seriously there. Fresh Ground beans (Only) French presses and sampling from places all over the world is common place. I used to have my own expresso pot too! However, everything mut be in balance, I suppose. :-) I usually have one cup (Sumatran is my current favorite) in the morning. Since I have been doing my fast, I am not drinking it. But I am surprised how I really don't miss it at all. I thought I might have some DT's but I don't notice any. :-) Part of the detoxing is alkalanizing your body so it can "get things done". Coffee is very acid (which is why it needs to be drank in moderation and is a conern for die hards). :-) That would contradict what I am I am obstaining. I might replace it with a morning juice when I come out of my feast and just have some on special occasions (like Shabbat morning). :-) We'll see how that unfolds. Ben is sensitive to it. It makes him cranky, and gives him the sweats, so he limits himself for that reason. Much Love, p
