This morning I concocted a scrum-dily-icious juice. (As my wiegh in last night was not reward enough!) :-) This one is going on the recipe page! I am calling it:
2 - Pinapple Mint Green Juice (mks 1 qrt) - 1/2 bunch of Kale, 1/2 pinapple (peeled), handful of mint, handful of parsley, 1cuke, 1 celery celery heart (or half a head)
Today was a tasty juice day! Here is another. The color is GORGEOUS!
1 Qrt - Sunset Blend- One large sweet potato, 1 carrot, 1 red bell, 1 beet, 2 apples, 1 orange
Detoxing: The other day I was quick to assume that fennel makes the juice kind of thick and slimy. But then it was happening with other juices. Sorry fennel, I'm not so sure it was your "fault" now. It seems to be a way that my body shows detoxing. It comes and goes, but it happening more often even with juices. I have juiced before without the slimy tongue effect. It kind makes the whole inside of my mouth feel like it is coated. I recently remembered reading that "tongue scrapers" were handy tool during a apparently, it is a common way to release toxins. Ben used to have it happen to him when he ate our fast food on the road a lot back in PA. I have never had it happen until now...So that is another good, but subtle way my body is being flushed. YAY! :-)
Oh your pineapple mint juice sounds wonderful! I am so glad you liked it! I havenet read through all your days yet, but have you tried juicing bananas, or peaches? I have heard "it cant be done" but I tell you what, IT CAN and its really nice, it makes your juices really thick and creamy. I like spinach, mint, pineapple and banana juice!
ReplyDeleteAyn, I have not yet, but I will remember that. I normally try to eat things "in season", this juice fast has been kind of wierd for me because I wouldn;t normally buy cucumbers this time a year, let alone buy them by the case!! But I feel really good about the dark leafy greens! :-) I have seen some yummy recipes for summer fruits and berries...but "this thing" in me rises up and stops me. :-) Although, I also just bought a case of dandilion greens so hey...maybe I should make a few more exceptions under the circumstances! :-) I know peaches are on the Juice feast grocery list...but I don't think banana's are. So I might hold off for that reason too. We'll see...(Ya never know!) :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Pam,
DeleteI heard that bananas slow down detoxing??? I personally won't do them during my feast. I can't wait for my Breville to come so I can try some of you wonderful recipes- they sound so amazing! It's just not practical with my Samson :/ I'd be juicing all day if I only made one quart at a time in it. Your progress is exciting!! :)
Wendy, I am pretty sure I heard the same thing too. I do want to maximize my time ont he bananas will have to wait. (Better safe than sorry.) :-)