Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Juice Feast Day 30 & 31! Photos

We had some major technical difficulties in the past to days...but I think we got them sorted out! :-)

Ok so here is the visual update I promised: This was my start-up picture. I thought it would be fun to put on the same clothes for the one month picture to see how the clothes fit differently. As you an see I am paked into my clothes here like a sausage. You an see the thickness in the middle, it is hard to see in this picture, but that shirt was snug on my arms. I forgot I had my sleaves pushed up.

1 month of Juice Feasting

(Sorry for the flash.) In retrospect, these clothes do not show my change in shape really well, but you can an idea of how differently these clothes fit. I lost quite a bit in teh chest and middle. You can also see how loose the shirt arms are here too. You can't see the loose in my thieghs because of the skirt... :-)

At the end of this feast I will take one more batch of pictures. Hopefully in clothes that fit and hopefully there will be less of me to see then too. :-)


  1. The incredible shrinking woman!! haha, you go girl! You look GREAT! :) so glad you're staying on :)

  2. YOU GO GIRL....ok I had too. You look absolutely lovely... you face is different too. I am cheering you on, praying for you and hoping you will meet your goal. Love you muchly!

  3. That's a really good effort!!! I lost my list and hence not watching you feast for ages!! But I have thought about you which has meant getting up and juicing or making smoothies for the family. It is great to see you heading into green smoothies!! They are great and I love them.. Somehow (without trying too hard except more juices and smoothies no fasting/feasting I lost 10kgs which is around 20lb I think??? Still another 20kgs to go :/ I dunno.. I'm Aussie.. Back to reading thanks for sharing your life with us...
